
Sims 4 Worlds: Magnolia Promenade

Thursday, April 2, 2015 - 22:00
The Sims 4: Magnolia Promenade world

Welcome to a world in which beautiful scenery meets metropolitan life! Magnolia Promenade offers fantastic views and a top of the line shopping experience for customers and entrepreneurs alike.


The Sims 4: Magnolia Promenade world neighbourhood


  1. Preeminent Domain (30x20) §3,000
  2. Retail - The Roadstead (40x30) §127,125 (empty lot: §8,000)
  3. Retail - JF&S Clothiers (20x20) §119,868 (empty lot: §2,500)
  4. Retail - Paddywack's Emporium (20x20) §71,380 (empty lot: §2,000)


This is what Magnolia Promenade looks like with empty lots:

The Sims 4: Magnolia Promenade world (empty)


This is the original Magnolia Promenade look, before the coloured worlds patch:

The Sims 4: Magnolia Promenade world (old version)