

22 Nov 2004 - 22:10

Electronic Arts announced today that EA's Maxis(TM) Studio is developing The Sims(TM) 2 University, the first expansion pack for the highly-acclaimed The Sims 2 PC game.


Sims 2 to Expand: Sims 2 University in the Works!

The Sims are going to college. Pillowfights and togas on tap!

REDWOOD CITY, Calif. - November 22, 2004-Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: ERTS) announced today that EA's Maxis(TM) Studio is developing The Sims(TM) 2 University, the first expansion pack for the highly-acclaimed The Sims 2 PC game. The Sims 2 University will ship this March and gives players of The Sims 2 the ability to watch their Sims become young adults and put childhood behind them as they settle into an all-new college town to live out their ultimate college fantasy.

Sinjin Bain, Executive Producer and Maxis Vice President, highlights the company's commitment to its loyal following, "We are thrilled to open up a whole new stage of life for the Sims, allowing players to lead them through all the challenges of college and living the exciting university lifestyle of the dorms, parties and exams. This title is also the first in a line of expansion packs that will address our players' desires, further develop The Sims 2 franchise and continually expand the world of the Sims creating almost endless gameplay and storytelling possibilities."

In The Sims 2 University players for the first time will play through the new "young adult" life stage as their Sims head off to college and join the campus crowd. Whether they live in the dorms or rush a fraternity or sorority that's just the beginning...Sims can choose from one of 11 majors and by keeping their grades on track, they'll secure a final degree and open up 4 new career paths. Players will enjoy all-new college based wants and fears that are tied to their Sims' social life and academic goals which will lead to new rewards and powers that will help them achieve their goals and aspirations in college and beyond.

Pranks, parties and college social interactions add to the excitement while your Sims explore campus locations such as college lounges, pool halls, gyms and coffee houses. As in real life, if your Sims start running low on funds, they can earn Simoleans by picking up a part time job, like tutoring, or engaging in riskier affairs like printing money as a member of the "secret society."

Of course, making the right decisions can lead to your Sim to the ultimate goal of becoming "Big Sim on Campus" in The Sims 2 University.

The Sims 2 University will ship under the EA GAMES(TM) brand. The Sims 2 is required to play The Sims 2 University.

22 Nov 2004 - 22:00

GameSpy interviews Kevin Hogan about The Sims 2 University. Find out about the new age range, roomies, toga's, and more.

Fill Out Your College Application

Kevin Hogan Lectures About Sims 2 University

By Dave Kosak

We speak with the producer about this eagerly-awaited expansion pack

Expansion packs have been key for the longevity of the Sims franchise: every addition to the original game kept people addicted that much longer. And from the looks of things EA is going big when it comes to expanding Sims 2, as well: Their just-unveiled first expansion will add a university campus and a whole new age range to the game. Check out the official Sims 2 University Announcement for all the details.

Yep, the Sims are going to college! Four years of hard work and studying. And sneaking into the girls' dorm. And partying in the basement of a house belonging to some guy named "Boner" who you've never actually met. We can't wait. We cornered Kevin Hogan, the expansion pack's producer, to answer a few quick questions for us on how The Sims 2 University will fit into the big picture:

GameSpy: Sims will have a whole new age -- young adult -- that falls between teen and adult, correct? Can Sims be young adults even if they don't go to college?

Kevin Hogan:Yes, the young adult age range falls between teen and adult. Sims become young adults when they arrive at college and become adults when they finish college. The only was to go through this age range is to go to college.

The Sims 2
Studying? Studying that redhead's rear, it looks like.

GameSpy: What are the benefits of pledging a fraternity or sorority? How many different frats and sororities are there, and what are they like?

Kevin Hogan: Pledging a Greek house will help you reach your social goals, it will allow you to be a more influential Sim, and it will allow you to boss your pledges around and get them to do silly things.

GameSpy: Will players be able to choose / control their roommates in the dorms? Or, will you be stuck with a roomie who moves on his own (and interrupts you when you're, uh, 'studying the social sciences' with a partner?)

Kevin Hogan: Your Sim gets dibs on room choice, but after that, other NCP Sims will arrive and potentially cramp your style.

GameSpy: What are the different majors that you can study? Do they affect the game in the same way that different jobs do as an adult?

Kevin Hogan: Your major choice will affect which skills you develop and which of the new career tracks become available. It will also give you a leg up in some of the career tacks that came in the base game. Stay tuned to hear more about what majors will be available in the game!

GameSpy: Can you let us in on what the four new career options are?

Kevin Hogan: Not just yet, but we will soon!

GameSpy: Will the Sims University campus be it's own town map? Can relatives and friends come on Campus to visit?

Kevin Hogan: Yes, it will be it's own neighborhood, but it will be affiliated with the core neighborhood. So all of the relationships will co-exist between the neighborhoods, your Sim will be able to call their friends and family back home, and we hope to be able to deliver on having the folks come to visit.

The Sims 2
Congratulations! Here's your diploma... aaaaand your crushing debt.

GameSpy: Will you be able to edit and create your own university campus?

Kevin Hogan: You will be able to customize the University maps that we are creating and you'll be able to create your own from scratch.

GameSpy: TOGAS! Yes? No?

Kevin Hogan: Absolutely!

GameSpy: And finally, of the huge array of possible Sims expansions, what inspired this theme?

Kevin Hogan: The University theme is a pack we originally discussed making for Sims 1, but the technology just didn't support what we wanted to do to deliver that theme. With the Sims 2 we're able to revive many of those great ideas and do some stuff we never dreamt of.

Thanks to Kevin for taking the time to answer our questions. For more dirt on campus life, stay tuned to GameSpy for future updates!

21 Nov 2004 - 22:00

Afgelopen weekend heeft Electronic Arts de komst van een patch voor "De Sims 2" aangekondigd.

Je kunt het een patch noemen, je kunt het een update noemen. Wat in ieder geval duidelijk mag zijn, hij valt binnenkort te downloaden van deze website!

Ja echt waar, de patch zal zeer spoedig beschikbaar komen. We waarderen alle invoer die jullie ons gegeven hebben. We willen jullie dan ook graag laten weten welke vervelende foutjes er met deze update worden verholpen!

Naar de lijst met updates!

19 Nov 2004 - 22:10

You can call it a patch. You can call it an update. And soon you'll be able to download it from That's right - the patch is in the final stages of certification and should be available very, very soon. We really appreciate all of the feedback that you've given us and wanted to share with you details about items that should be resolved with this patch.


Complete list of changes:

  • Fixes "the jump bug" causing Sims with a large number of memories to reset, or "jump," when performing interactions.
  • Visitors will no longer kidnap a baby or toddler by leaving the lot while carrying them.
  • Sims can now plan outfits for toddlers by using the changing table.
  • Fixes a crash that would occur when viewing snapshots while simultaneously deleting pictures.
  • Prevents pixelization from showing through walls when the Sim is behind the wall.
  • A Sim whose fiancé dies can now become engaged again.
  • Maids can now clean up pizza boxes and baby bottles.
  • Fixes problems with the grim reaper and social worker that would disable save UI.
  • The plumbbob will no longer appear in an NPCs chest when they marry into a Sim's family.
  • Sims no longer get stuck on community lots when a Sim autonomously chooses to leave in the same car that they arrived in.
  • Stargazing on the ground no longer satisfies the "Stargaze with Telescope" want.
  • Fixes a problem with Sims' jobs not functioning properly when 3 or more Sims go to work in a helicopter.
  • Babies now age transition properly when the Help With Birthday interaction is cancelled.
  • Fixes the extremely rare problem where the UI would become disabled when an elder dies of old age.
  • Fixes a problem where small objects (mostly toys) could be deleted when a Sim interacts with other nearby objects.
  • The custom content browser no longer closes when an active link is double-clicked.
  • Fixes the problem where coffee cups would occasionally be deleted when an interaction is cancelled.
  • An adopted baby no longer snaps to the ground when the social worker that delivers it puts it in a crib.
  • Sims now take a copy of all clothing in the family's inventory when they move out.
  • Fixes a couple of cases of buy/build mode becoming disabled when the social worker arrives on the lot.
  • Fixes the problem where the teddy bear would occasionally float after being put down.
  • Teens no longer get the unsatisfiable "Write a Novel" want.
  • Fixes a problem with the newspaper delivery person getting stuck on lots containing a high number of objects.

System/Config issues:

  • Users with limited user accounts can now run the game.
  • Improved performance with Radeon X800 cards. Users continuing to experiencing problems should update to the 4.10 driver.
  • The game no longer affects a user's modem settings when connecting to the internet via the modem.
  • Fixes a problem with default collections not being available when user data is regenerated.
18 Nov 2004 - 22:10

"It's like crossing the streams in Ghostbusters, it seemed like a horrible idea that could have ended the world, but has actually turned out pretty well."

Read The Full Interview

GameSpy Examines the Teeth of the Rooster

By Dave Kosak

An interview with the creators of Red vs. Blue focuses on their latest project using the Sims2 engine.

All it took was a gang of gamers, a few copies of Halo, some video capture equipment, and some creative letter-boxing. Suddenly, Halo went from being a great game to the perfect movie set, and the gang of gamers became Rooster Teeth productions. Their short Internet films spread across the 'net through word-of-mouth, and their first series -- "Red vs. Blue," featuring two argumentative teams of Halo Spartans -- is already on its 43rd hilarious episode.

Recently the team at Rooster Teeth went in a very different direction and launched a new series using The Sims 2 as their game engine. "The Strangerhood" parodies sitcoms and reality TV with Rooster Teeth's own blend of snappy dialogue and quick camera takes. From Halo to Sims? That's a pretty crazy leap.

We sat down and talked with Rooster Teeth founders Matt Hullum, Gustavo Sorola, and Geoff Fink about their new series, filming with The Sims, and what they thought of Halo 2. Actually, we didn't really "sit down" with them. We e-mailed them, edging us closer to a future where humans need not come into personal contact with one another at all. Here's how it all went down:

GameSpy: Congratulations on the new series! Strangerhood is on its second episode. What's the response been like so far?

Matt: Thanks. Response has been really great, even from our parents, and they never like anything we do.

Gus: It's been overwhelmingly positive. We're glad that people have been so accepting of a project so different from our first one.

Geoff: My mother hates it, and she hates me. I'm so ashamed.

The Sims 2

GameSpy: Are you seeing a lot of crossover with your Halo fan-base, or is it pretty much a whole new audience?

Matt: We've had a lot of crossover, but the cool thing is seeing new fans online that found our site for the first time because of the Strangerhood or through the Sims2 community. Surprisingly, your diehard Sims2 fan and your diehard Halo fan usually tend to be somewhat different people. Go figure.

Gus: There has definitely been quite a bit of crossover. I enjoy getting e-mail from people talking about how they like The Strangerhood, and how that Red vs Blue thing is kind of cool also.

Geoff: It's like crossing the streams in Ghostbusters, it seemed like a horrible idea that could have ended the world, but has actually turned out pretty well.

GameSpy: Would you have considered doing Strangerhood if EA hadn't given you so much support? Or was it an idea you were already cooking up?

Matt: The Strangerhood was one of several ideas we had been kicking around for a while. When we were first introduced to Sims2 at the last E3, we immediately realized it would be a perfect fit for the story. Luckily EA thought so too.

Gus: We are always looking at new games that are coming in order to try and find new games we can use to tell other story ideas we have. Sims2 happened to be one of the games we were really excited about. and when we finally got to take a good look at it back in May at E3 we realized that it would be great for what we wanted to do.

Geoff: It was either that, or Mary Kate and Ashley Go To The Mall. It was a tough choice, but we are comfortable with our decision.

The Sims 2

GameSpy: ...big Sims fans, then?

Matt: Absolutely, and of the entire Sim franchise. I'm still trying to catch up on all the sleep I missed after discovering the original SimCity years and years ago.

Gus: Of course! Several years back Burnie made a house in the original Sims and filled it with a bunch of friends of his (most of whom now work with Rooster Teeth) and let them live their daily lives. If I remember correctly, I died in a fire that resulted from trying to bake a cake. I wasn't so much a fan after the game killed me.

Geoff: He still can't bake a cake to this day. He's scarred.

GameSpy: About how many people do you have there at Rooster Teeth?

Matt: Ten. And two cats. And some deer. And I think an armadillo has been going through the trash. We're in kind of a rural area.

Gus: There's a few of us. The people most involved in the day to day production aspect would probably be Burnie, Matt, Geoff, Gus, Jason and that armadillo. I'm really glad we brought that little guy on board. Jason is really working out well.

Geoff: The armadillo is kind of pushy. I don't think he likes me. - Geoff

GameSpy: Is it a stretch to be doing both projects at once, or have you guys been expanding?

Matt: Our waistlines have been expanding, because all we do is eat and play video games. Working on two shows at once is very difficult. I'm sure if we ever saw our families, they would complain about how little time we spend with them.

Gus: The only thing expanding around here is the amount of work. Last weekend I was awake for almost 70 hours straight doing work on the projects. By the time I finally went to sleep I was hallucinating that everyone had little green diamonds above their heads.

Geoff: Don't let Gus fool you with his "how hard I work" mumbo jumbo. He's just as fat as the rest of us.

The Sims 2

GameSpy: What's the future here? Paramount-sized movie lots filled with game machines producing hundreds of series and feature machinima films? Or are you going to just stick with a couple projects?

Matt: We're going to try not to bite off more than we can chew. Right now we're operating at our max, but hopefully down the line we'll be able to grow and continue doing new stuff. Our fans have been really good to us, so we want to be good to them by not getting overextended and turning out lesser quality work.

Gus: We are very happy with where we're at right now. I like the idea of having a small close knit group that does all the work because we really act like our own check and balance system when it comes to new ideas. We all work really well together and can maintain pretty tight standards in quality.

Geoff: We can only juggle so many balls. Two to be exact. Two balls. I guess that's not really juggling though, in the strict sense of the word.

GameSpy: Which brings up a good question. Machinima! There's actually an Academy of Machinima Arts and Sciences. Do you guys buy into the idea that this is a whole new art form? Or are you just doing your thing?

Matt: When we first started Red vs. Blue we thought we were completely original. We never imagined that there were other people out there using video games to make movies, much less that it was a new art form with a hard to pronounce name and an official organization. Seeing the work that other people are doing has been really inspirational. Machinima is definitely growing fast, and as more games like Sims2 add in movie capturing features, it's likely to grow even faster.

Gus: I refuse to recognize the difficulty to pronounce the word "machinima." I say let's work together and re-brand this type of movie making "rendervision." See? Doesn't that sound much better? Plus you don't have to constantly ask people if you're saying it properly. Rendervision ... it just rolls off the tongue.

Geoff: I don't like words.

GameSpy: Okay, so let's talk about Strangerhood. In Red vs. Blue, the plot was pretty evident to anyone who played Halo -- or any CTF first-person shooter, for that matter. Two teams, two bases, the red guys hate the blue guys and vice-versa because that's just the way it is. But with Strangerhood, you have to introduce the plot from scratch. Moreover, you've got like a dozen characters. Was it hard to get something going from the ground up? Was it tough to capture the Internet's short-attention-span audience, many of whom probably didn't read this entire question?

Matt: What..? Sorry, I got distracted somewhere around the fifth line of your question. Yes, it is difficult to introduce characters and plots and ideas with absolutely no common point of reference for the audience whatsoever, and to do so in five-minute chunks released every couple weeks compounds that difficulty. We have one big advantage with The Strangerhood though, in that it's basically a satire of TV sitcoms and reality shows. Hopefully, viewers will make the connection and that will draw them in that much faster. So far it seems to be working.

It's definitely different. The basic premise of The Strangerhood gets set up in the first couple of episodes, then after that people can watch any episode they want or skip any episode they want, much like in a conventional sitcom. Since it isn't in a serial format it may actually lend itself better to short attention spans.

Geoff: Far too many words. Didn't I just say I hated them? Sheesh.

The Sims 2

GameSpy: You built the Strangerhood sets yourself. Are you whizzes with the Sims2 build mode? Did you have to do anything funky, like remove whole wall sections to get just the right angles?

Matt: We have to do a lot of funky. We have multiples of almost everything, the lots, the houses, the rooms in the houses; we even have multiple versions of the same character with different personality traits. When angry Wade gets to wrap for the day, happy Wade might still be on the clock.

Gus: When it came time to design the houses I think we each looked at the houses we had to make and then made one house our own personal project. I had to make Dutchmiller's house, and I just couldn't see Dutchmiller being the type of person who likes a bathroom attached to his master bedroom. So, logically, I put it down the hall. I think he really appreciated that extra bit of thought and it shows in his performance.

Geoff: I sometimes do a funky little dance when we are making the episodes. I think everyone finds it inspirational. Gus smells funky when we make the episodes. Everyone just finds that gross.

GameSpy: What about lip-syncing? You re-record the dialogue so that it fits with the sims' mouth movements, right?

Matt: Often, yes. It is a trial and error process, with a lot of errors. We sometimes end up re-recording dialog to match the shot, but sometimes we find a better shot that matches the dialog we already have recorded. The tough part is usually changing the words in the line without changing the meaning of the line, so that it looks right but still advances the plot or character development as we need it to.

Gus: We bought a couple of thesauruses to help with all the synonyms we need in order to make sure our audio looks like it fits well with the video.

Geoff: Mostly we use the thesauruses for the armadillo. He is short, and needs to use them to sit on.

GameSpy: C'mon, isn't that frustrating? Don't you just want to put a fist through the monitor sometimes?

Matt: No. Monitors are expensive and our hands are frail and weak from too little exercise. Occasionally, though, you do want to grab an exceptionally annoying sim actor and drop him in a pool with no ladder.

Gus: Only when Dr. Chalmers' annoyingly weak bladder kicks in again and you have to take a break so that he doesn't soil himself for the fourth time in a day.

Geoff: Gus pees more than any sim. He has the bladder of a pea.

The Sims 2

GameSpy: About how long does it take to film a five-minute episode? And then how long does it take to edit?

Matt: The filming and editing happens almost simultaneously, so it is difficult to say. It takes over a week right now, but we're getting better at it as we did with Halo and Red vs. Blue.

GameSpy: How exactly would you, uh, 'coach' a sim? Seems to me they'd be troublesome actors. I can't even get two of them to agree who should use the toilet, much less stick to a script.

Matt: That is a challenge. And bribing them with simoleons never seems to work.

Gus: As Matt mentioned we luckily have clones of every character so when Wade1 is being grumpy and a jerk we just put him in the other room and then walk Wade2 in to take his place. I imagine it's much like what working with the Olsen twins on Full House was like.

Geoff: Gus has a Full House poster in his bedroom. It's true!

GameSpy: It looks like you've got some professionals on your staff. Kathleen Zuelch and Matt Hullum have, like, real Hollywood movies on their resume. Is the team at Rooster Teeth generally industry folk? Basically, what are your day jobs? Or... is THIS your day job?

Matt: rofessionals? You've clearly never seen any of the movies we worked on.

Gus: Sadly, the only industry I'm a part of is the IT industry. I say sadly because I hate it. If you work in the IT industry or have even met anybody who works in IT, you know exactly what I mean.

Geoff: I'm a slum lord. I exist on the rent Gus gives me to live in my spare bedroom.

GameSpy: Where'd you get the name 'Rooster Teeth?'

Matt: It's a euphemism for a popular quote from Red vs. Blue.

GameSpy: So..... What do you guys think of Halo 2?

Matt: Pure awesometasticness, as Caboose might say.

Gus: Every night I'm up till at least 3AM playing online with a bunch of friends. It's definitely hurting productivity.

Geoff: It's hurting my sleep schedule. Gus screams like a girl when he gets fragged.

The Sims 2

GameSpy: What do you think you'll do with the Red vs. Blue series now that Halo 2 is out? Will you keep 'filming' in Halo 1?

Matt: We've already released an episode using Halo 2. We can't say too much more about what future episodes will bring at the moment. We don't want to give any future plot points away.

Gus: I'm afraid I have to give you the standard "no comment" answer on that one. We don't like to give out any spoilers or talk about future plotlines. I'm really happy with the storyline we came up with for the transition from Halo to Halo 2.

Geoff: Gus has already said too much. What a jerk.

GameSpy: And lastly, any hints as to what we can expect from the future episodes of Strangerhood? C'mon. We won't tell anybody.

Matt: Okay cool. We'll tell you all the big secrets right after the interview!

Gus: The last time I told someone spoilers about upcoming episodes Matt got mad and locked me in the cage. I don't want to go back in there.

Geoff: Wade and Griggs have a baby in Season Four.

GameSpy: Thanks for your time! Keep up the funny and we'll keep laughing at it!

Matt: Thanks. Keep up the spy.

Gus: Later. I have to feed the armadillo now.

Geoff: Bye. I love you.

18 Nov 2004 - 22:00

The Sims 2 has been nominated in 2 categories, Best PC Game and Most Addictive Game. You can cast your vote for Most Addictive game and then watch the 2004 Video Game Awards to see if your favorite game won!

Cast Your Vote At

16 Nov 2004 - 22:00

De Sims 2 UitwisselaarSinds enkele dagen is de Nederlandse uitwisselaar (ook wel exchange) geopend!

Vanaf nu is het mogelijk je eigen gemaakte huizen en families te delen met de gehele Sims gemeenschap! Ook is het mogelijk om zelf nieuwe huizen en Sims te downloaden. Heb je hulp nodig bij het gebruiken van de uitwisselaar, ga dan naar de downloads om een handleiding te downloaden.

Je vind de uitwisselaar bovenaan het forum, afgebeeld als een verhuisdoos!

Let op: Om van de uitwisselaar gebruik te kunnen maken moet je je Sims 2 registreren! Dat kan vanaf je computer in het menu start --> eagames --> de sims2 --> elektronische registratie
Veel uitwissel plezier!

Naar de uitwisselaar!

12 Nov 2004 - 22:00

De DVD bevat een volledige versie van de PC-game, plus spectaculaire bonuscontent, zoals tips van experts en trucs voor het maken van filmpjes

Electronic Arts (Nasdaq: ERTS) heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat het De Sims™ 2 op DVD zal uitbrengen, samen met een speciale bonus-DVD. Dit is de eerste keer dat een DVD wordt uitgebracht in de uiterst succesvolle Sims-reeks. De DVD zal vanaf 16 december verkrijgbaar zijn en kost hetzelfde als de versie op CD-ROM.

Interviews met experts
Op de DVD vind je uitgebreide tips en hints van de ontwerpers. Je ontmoet de mensen die achter de schermen aan dit product hebben gewerkt, van de uitvoerend producente tot de technisch directeur en de directeur productontwikkeling. Fans komen geheime spelstrategieën te weten waarmee ze de dromen van hun Sims kunnen laten uitkomen, het uiterste van ze kunnen vragen en genetisch materiaal kunnen mixen. Deze exclusieve tips concentreren zich op het ontwikkelen van een stamboom, het kiezen van levenswensen, het al dan niet voldoen aan verlangens en angsten en het begeleiden van je Sims gedurende een heel leven.

Filmpjes maken
Heb jij alles in huis om een beroemd regisseur te worden? Kom erachter door in de game de optie ' Video' te gebruiken. Leer hoe je je eigen filmpjes kunt maken in De Sims 2 van de ontwerper die deze in-game videofunctie heeft gecreëerd. Je komt te weten hoe je de camera moet besturen, krijgt trucjes te horen voor het filmen vanuit verschillende hoeken, leert iets over casting en decor, plus allerlei wetenswaardigheden over speciale effecten, belichting, enz.

11 Nov 2004 - 22:20

You may have a lot or very little, but whatever your lot in life, it's time to give thanks (to Maxis) and pay homage to America's most American holiday, or pay tribute to your favorite ancient Greek deities with this time-honored horn of plenty.

Get The Download

The Sims 2
11 Nov 2004 - 22:10

Find out in Strangerhood's Episode 2!

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