
News Archive - 2005

Finally they're finished. I'm pretty happy with the result:

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So if you decide to link to SporeNetwork, now you can. You can also find these banners and buttons on the Links page Happy

Greetings Everyone,

Well as you all now know, there was a lot of news last week on the The Sims 2 Nightlife. E3 was a huge success, and The Sims 2 was everywhere. On Nintendo Gamecube, Gameboy Advance and DS, Sony PS2 and PSP, Microsoft Xbox, and of course, the one that is near and dear to all of us, the PC. Electronic Arts had a huge 360 degree theatre where a video of The Sims 2 played – it was truly amazing to see. Will Wright was also there showing off his next project, Spore. It was a great show for Maxis.

To see what the stars have in store for your Sims (and you!) take a look at what The Sims 2 Nightlife astrologer forecasts in your near future.

What's In Your Future?

Gaming Steve has interviewed Will Wright on May 24, and of course they discussed Spore as well. Click here to read the interview. You can listen to the interview as well!

"This is a feature for the fans, something they've wanted for so long, and the team is just psyched to give it to them."

Read The Interview

There are many new Spore screenshots online. More will follow soon.

GDCTV has posted a 'movie' on their site with a presentation from Will Wright about Spore. It's 1 hour and 2 minutes long and certainly worth watching! You have to register on the GDCTV site first but it's free.

Click here to visit the GDCTV site.

I've made a lot of screens from this movie. You can find them under the Screenshots section.

May 30th is the deadline to enter The Sims 2 Student Life Movie Contest with USC School of Cinema-Television! The Winner could possibly win $5000!

Read the Details

Tim LeTourneau demonstrates The Sims 2 Nightlife at E3.

Watch the video!

A new video for The Sims 2 XBOX, PS2, and Game Cube has been released.


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