Kevin Hogan Lectures About Sims 2 University
GameSpy interviews Kevin Hogan about The Sims 2 University. Find out about the new age range, roomies, toga's, and more.
Kevin Hogan Lectures About Sims 2 University
By Dave Kosak
We speak with the producer about this eagerly-awaited expansion pack
Expansion packs have been key for the longevity of the Sims franchise: every addition to the original game kept people addicted that much longer. And from the looks of things EA is going big when it comes to expanding Sims 2, as well: Their just-unveiled first expansion will add a university campus and a whole new age range to the game. Check out the official Sims 2 University Announcement for all the details.
Yep, the Sims are going to college! Four years of hard work and studying. And sneaking into the girls' dorm. And partying in the basement of a house belonging to some guy named "Boner" who you've never actually met. We can't wait. We cornered Kevin Hogan, the expansion pack's producer, to answer a few quick questions for us on how The Sims 2 University will fit into the big picture:
GameSpy: Sims will have a whole new age -- young adult -- that falls between teen and adult, correct? Can Sims be young adults even if they don't go to college?
Kevin Hogan:Yes, the young adult age range falls between teen and adult. Sims become young adults when they arrive at college and become adults when they finish college. The only was to go through this age range is to go to college.

Studying? Studying that redhead's rear, it looks like.
GameSpy: What are the benefits of pledging a fraternity or sorority? How many different frats and sororities are there, and what are they like?
Kevin Hogan: Pledging a Greek house will help you reach your social goals, it will allow you to be a more influential Sim, and it will allow you to boss your pledges around and get them to do silly things.
GameSpy: Will players be able to choose / control their roommates in the dorms? Or, will you be stuck with a roomie who moves on his own (and interrupts you when you're, uh, 'studying the social sciences' with a partner?)
Kevin Hogan: Your Sim gets dibs on room choice, but after that, other NCP Sims will arrive and potentially cramp your style.
GameSpy: What are the different majors that you can study? Do they affect the game in the same way that different jobs do as an adult?
Kevin Hogan: Your major choice will affect which skills you develop and which of the new career tracks become available. It will also give you a leg up in some of the career tacks that came in the base game. Stay tuned to hear more about what majors will be available in the game!
GameSpy: Can you let us in on what the four new career options are?
Kevin Hogan: Not just yet, but we will soon!
GameSpy: Will the Sims University campus be it's own town map? Can relatives and friends come on Campus to visit?
Kevin Hogan: Yes, it will be it's own neighborhood, but it will be affiliated with the core neighborhood. So all of the relationships will co-exist between the neighborhoods, your Sim will be able to call their friends and family back home, and we hope to be able to deliver on having the folks come to visit.

Congratulations! Here's your diploma... aaaaand your crushing debt.
GameSpy: Will you be able to edit and create your own university campus?
Kevin Hogan: You will be able to customize the University maps that we are creating and you'll be able to create your own from scratch.
GameSpy: TOGAS! Yes? No?
Kevin Hogan: Absolutely!
GameSpy: And finally, of the huge array of possible Sims expansions, what inspired this theme?
Kevin Hogan: The University theme is a pack we originally discussed making for Sims 1, but the technology just didn't support what we wanted to do to deliver that theme. With the Sims 2 we're able to revive many of those great ideas and do some stuff we never dreamt of.
Thanks to Kevin for taking the time to answer our questions. For more dirt on campus life, stay tuned to GameSpy for future updates!